Monday, August 8, 2016

Open Blog - Monday

Isn't that all that everyone wants?


  1. Happy Monday!! I've been busy at work and home, constant project going on. The youngest girls bedroom almost redone, so we will soon see if they actually will sleep in separate bedrooms or not. I really dont think they will. This is the last week of vacation schedules at work as well so soon I will have my regular crew back (thank goodness) and hopefully things will move more smoothly. I'm truly exhausted. Today is my one day off this week and so far I spent most of it either shopping online for things for the little girls room or sleeping.. As a whole a good day. =)

    Anyways I hope you all have a great start of the week.

  2. The summer dental work project is DONE! Feels a bit wanky right now, but I think the other teeth are just getting used to the new crown. I can't imagine having full braces. It must really hurt to have them adjusted!

    I watched a little of the Olympics last night. It is truly amazing how those gymnasts can flip and fly through the air and land on their feet. I always wince when they pound the ground.... you know they all stunt their height by damaging their growth plates on their bones. Ouch!
