Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you are with family and those you love.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving. I'm cooking today, but only for 2. The whole bunch is coming tomorrow for leftovers, and the leftovers always taste better anyway. I'm excited about cooking massive amounts without the distraction of entertaining (or missing out on good conversations) or the timetables of when I promised dinner. I baked my pies yesterday evening. I always make mini-night before the feast sample-eating pies. They turned out tasty!

    Hope you have a wonderful get together with special others. That is what this is all about, what we should be thankful for.... others helping us through the struggles. Love you guys.

  2. I hope your celebrations are happy and wonderful. kk.
    Had a weird Thanksgiving this year.. but oh well, got to spend the day with Dave's Dad even though it was driving in separate vehicles to try to find a restaurant that would be open at 3 pm. hmm.
