Saturday, January 7, 2017

Open Blog - Saturday

Everybody has them.... no one wants to hear about them.
There is a naughty joke that goes with that statement.


  1. Hello everyone. Spent the last week on the couch, under a blanket, with a box of Kleenex. My sleezy friend, pneumonia made another visit. I finally have more air flowing, but still am quite the dizzy blond when I try to do too much. Hoping to get back to work on Monday. (a statement only made by someone who has been not feeling well for too long)

  2. OH, I wondered about you. I'll be the first to admit, I didn't write to find out the scoop. I'm sorry you have been so sick. The big "P" isn't a good thing.

  3. You and that pneumonia need to go your separate ways! I hope you are back in the saddle soon!

  4. Thanks, guys. That is wicked and nothing to play with, for sure. I am doing better. The infection seems to be corralled. It takes time to get back your strength and up to full speed.

    Back in the saddle? lmao! I rode a horse... once! Not a pleasant experience. He kept trying to twist his head and bite me on the leg.
