Sunday, February 26, 2017

Weekend Funny


  1. That must be an old line from Karen Carpenter? I've been among the missing lately. I of course didn't get a FLU shot, and paid dearly for It this past Monday. I had a 102.4 temp. and decided to go to urgent care. NO P.MONIA, but a good dose of the flu. OH how I wish I would have gotten the shot. Cost me $95.00 for TEN Tama-flu pills. Feel nearly ok now. Still cough, but It's not too bad. WHAT A WEEK. I hope Special K Is feeling better also.

  2. All is well at the moment. My kids stopped by to pay a visit and check in on me. Another grand tornado, and I loved it. Three under three with hugs, love, and kisses galore.

    My clothes dryer took a dive this weekend. The washer was on its way out for awhile... so, my pocketbook is lighter and new equipment will be installed at the end of this upcoming week. Most new washing machines don't have an agitator. Go figure. I'm so techno retro. hahahaha

    Thank you, Toad.
