Sunday, January 20, 2019

Happy Sunday, Friends!

Good day to knit, puzzle, bake something, or nap with a blanket.
Lots of snow on the ground in Racine. 
Crazy how we really didn't have winter until yesterday. 
The current wind chill is -6 and tomorrow doesn't look much better...

If it is clear by you, watch for the "Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse" tonight. 
It's supposed to be a show stopper!

1 comment:

  1. It was 5 below this morning, NO wind, thank goodness. (Charlie Brown) Had about 3 inches of snow yesterday. Looking at a bunch of snow on Monday, Tuesday? It's a good thing I love shoveling snow, alway's did. I have NO idea If I can stay awake until nearly 11 P.M. tonight for the Moon, but would certainly like to. STAY warm, and have a few shots of Aakavit to help. LOL BTW, If I can remember I shall have one, just for poops and giggles.
