Monday, October 10, 2016

Open Blog - Monday

Sorry, late again. Time is my enemy. 


  1. Hi all. Super busy time at work. Glad to be home and have a little time to relax. Gorgeous weather again today. Fall is my favorite time of year.

  2. Me too. Wrist Is broken from falling down the stairs letting the dogs out. Supposed to have a cast put on ( supposed to be done on Monday ) they called me, and scheduled me for Thursday, I told them to BITE ME. I waited 2-1/2 weeks to find out, so who cares at this point. It's broken, so what. I hate this fucking town.

  3. Toad. You need to get this taken care of. If you wait any longer, you will be in a much worse situation. When bone heals, it becomes stronger in that area than the rest of the bone. If it heals improperly, it is a mess to fix. I'm sorry, and I understand your frustration over what has happened, but please call them back and patiently (for your own good) get the next available appointment.
