Sunday, October 16, 2016

Open Blog - Sunday

Nothing like sitting in comfy clothes with a good cup of coffee, and the aroma of sweet biscuits baking.


  1. KK, WOW you have ambition. I had my coffee, but no biscuits. How about coffee, and a Poppy Seed Sweet Roll, with Butter smeared all over the top?

  2. I had coffee, coffee, coffee and yogurt. Walked up the road with Sable! Walked down the road. My knee held up...tomorrow more of the same!

  3. Toad, I can whip up those sweet crummy biscuits with my eyes closed. Forget about Calgon.... Ancient 'Danish' Secret.... those biscuits will take you away. Smeared with butter, of course!

  4. I do like biscuits. I bought a whole great big bag of frozen Pillsbury biscuits In the freezer. Still don't know why I bought them. I can make biscuits, In a snap.

  5. The ones I make are almost more like a sweet roll.... and pretty crumbly.
