Friday, December 16, 2016

Open Blog - Friday

To our friends in the south.....

We won't be needing this. Mother Nature is taking care of that again this weekend.


  1. KK, What a great idea for them. They can re-visit what they are so much missing. My heart hurts just looking at the forecast, but I so much LOVE shoveling snow, and alway's have. I can't explain It. I think It's because we made so much money In the winter shoveling peoples sidewalks? I should do It again.

  2. We always shoveled for our neighbors after shoveling for our parents. We never accepted any money, even though they offered. My parents instilled quite the volunteer ethic into us.

    I'm hoping your injuries have healed from your trip down the steps? We need you on your feet and on the mend.

  3. I canceled a Dr. appointment today. It would have been the fourth time to see this idiot. He didn't do anything the first three times, so I can do anything I need to with my hand, and don't need any more BS from him. It still hurts, but so does everything else I USE.
