Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tick, Tick, Tick....

I put in an 12 hour day at work yesterday and promoted my program to ~ maybe 200 people. Few presents have been purchased and my oomph has been tapped. I have recipe cards strewn with demands for lovely treats that need to be made for upcoming events. My calendar has something extra almost every day. Yikes. Is it 2017...... yet?


  1. You are just ONE person. If they that want, don't get, like the song say's. " I did my best, but I guess my best wasn't good enough " Shit happens. Buy more wine. You may need It. I'm a Helluva cook, and baker, I wish I could help you, but they would probably issue a SILVER ALERT If I went missing? Maybe not?

  2. Normally, I would be able to handle all of it better. I've been battling some health issues that have been holding me back. I have to admit some defeat, and that bothers me. I'm heading home, now and sitting on my butt and staring for awhile... until I have to make dinner. Grrrr.

    Thanks for the offer, Toad. We don't want ANY silver alerts issued. <3
