Monday, October 23, 2017

Time doesn’t stand still

Believe it or not, it was ten years ago today that my husband died. Ten years....hard to imagine. And, while my life has moved on, his memory is never far away. I no longer experience a heart stopping pain when I think of him, but the hurt is still there. People react differently to losses such as this. I worked very hard to not be the bereft widow looking for sympathy. My mother In Law had that job sewn up. Boy, did she. I got involved in the community and got out of the house. I tried to meet people outside of our circle of friends. But, I had no intention of getting into another relationship. So much for that plan. My life is good. Today, I will spend some time remembering my sweet husband.


  1. Beejay, Doug would be so proud of you.

  2. It is hard to believe it has been 10 years. You have shown many others that life and happiness is what you make of it. You've been loyal, and you've been brave and strong. I'm so glad you found a way to continue to follow your path.

  3. Thanks, Toad and kk. I remember our original group helping me through some very dark days in 2007. Very dark days.

  4. Good grief, I can't believe it's been 10 years. I admire your strength and courage Beejay.

  5. Thanks, Okie. Doug was a good man and so is Dan. Not everyone is this blessed. As I look back over the last ten years, I find that I grew as a person. I learned that more people are kind than not. I’ve learned to speak my mind when needed, using only factual information. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve found that kindness goes a long way. Yes, I’ve grown as a person.

  6. Sorry I missed this, BJ.
    People like you deserve happiness. <3 u

    1. Thanks, MC. I miss our chats. How many times, we would have those late night talks. Smooches, my friend.
