Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Favorite Things (or stuff to talk about)

1. Breakfast food

2. Coffee, Tea.... or me?  :)

3. Do it yourself, or hire it out?

4. Gift cards, presents, or "I'll pass"?

5. Handling rude people


  1. 1. Usually eaten from a ziplock baggie. Looking forward to something toasted and warm, like a blueberry bagel.
    2. Coffee, with cream
    3. I'd rather do it myself, but probably would have to hire it out.
    4. I'll pass, but if it is a present, make it small and insignificant. Those are usually more thoughtful.
    5. I guess the easiest way is to ignore them. :(

  2. 1. Hostess type snowballs. Sometimes Stouffer's SOS, I love SOS.
    2. Coffee, BIG cups. Two
    3. Do It myself, or should I ask WHAT?
    4. Money Cards, to the Grandkids.
    5. I would need to handle myself. I try, but I'm not real good at It. The funny part of that Is that rude people really piss me off. My rudeness Is generally attached with some type of attempted humor, like when I call the County Grounds Dept. and asked them If they're lawnmower was broken so they couldn't cut the grass on the Court House lawn, which looked like shit, and his answer was YES It Is. It was however SOMEHOW cut that afternoon. I recently saw a lady clerk at Walmart with REALLY high Riding Boots on with her uniform, and asked her If she parked her Horse outside? She wasn't humored, and neither was my wife. OH WELL.

  3. 1. Bagel with butter
    2. Coffee, lots
    3. Depends on what it is
    4. Cash/check
    5. Walk away
