Saturday, July 18, 2020

Weekend Funny

Hope all clubhouse friends and family are 
hanging in there and doing okay.
Posting in case you forgot to smile today. 


  1. KK, Now that's funny. Happy Sunday. How were you're storms.?

  2. Storms today were no big deal. Late afternoon Thursday in the heat, we had torrential rain, 70 mph winds and our electricity went out... for 21 hours. I had a fridge and freezer full of food and was starting to panic. Talk about being addicted to something, I'm addicted to electricity!

  3. KK, As they say up here "So don't I" I took my wife to the Doctor on Tuesday, for a problem, and I pushed her In a wheelchair to the bathroom, and was backing the chair up, after I let her out, and FELL backwards on my ass, and fell back snapping my neck, like Whiplash. All the Nurses etc. saw me, and wanted me to see someone, and I signed a paper saying NOPE. Anyhow, she Is sadly now waiting for a sample test to come back for "Probable" Cancer. The test takes a week, because they send It to Marshfield. She Is not a happy person, and has terrible anxiety. I know YOU care, and will think of her In her need. Nobody else knows about this, but it's really just a bad, bad year. Anyhow, I tell the story about falling, because, our power went out the night the power went out In the storm months ago now., and I fell head first off the front porch (5 stairs) into the dirt. It has been pretty good lately though. That was the 1st time In months. I'm late replying. I missed seeing your post.

  4. I'm late seeing this post. We already spoke about your wife. I hope you are feeling okay after this most recent fall? I do care about my friends and think of you all the time. Keep in touch and if you don't hear back from me... poke me. It is easy to miss a post.

  5. I forgot I posted It. It's easy to miss, since it's backwards. I wonder how that happened.?
