Friday, July 8, 2016

Open Blog - Friday


  1. Yes, the news is overwhelming. I posted this picture days ago before the terrible news, and the terrible aftermath retaliation. White people are just as appalled; although, we don't live with the same daily fear and oppression as do people of color. We need to figure this out as a country.

    I still believe there are too many guns out there. The police are becoming afraid to do their job. That statement, in no way reflects my approval of shooting into a car, containing a child and an innocent couple. I've only seen the aftermath video, not what took place before the shooting. It sure is disturbing.

  2. I still don't believe a person accustomed to killing people ie. Military, should be considered for police jobs. I don't know enough about Baton Rouge, or Minnesota to make any real comments, but If the officer violated the dead s rights, they should be held responsible, and that seems to be a losing trend.
