Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Open Blog - Wednesday

Tribal Love....


  1. Morning.....not a good night's sleep. No reason, just didn't take. Grrrr.

    Off to do laundry! Whoopee.

  2. I just crawled out of bed. Tried to stay up awaiting the storms. The weather reports kept downplaying the storms, but the radar showed that we were in the direct path. Finally, around 1 am, I gave up, went to bed and hoped to survive. Looks like I did.

  3. We've been dealing with Mina that seems to be dealing with a bit of insomnia, I thought it would be a bit young to be dealing with such things bit after reading online it seems it's actually pretty normal to be starting around this age, just a part of growing and a little pre puberty stuff. Good times.

  4. Maybe an inexpensive MP3 player and earbuds to listen to some calming music in those inappropriate wakeful hours would help? She could keep it next to her bed and hopefully, you'd still get your needed sleep?
