Thursday, August 18, 2016

Open Blog - Thursday

It is usually more panic than awkward...


  1. I got the day off, the girls started school yesterday so I have the house to myself. I get the opportunity to watch whatever I want on Netflix, and the kids channel will not be on. Good stuff.

  2. I remember those days. Usually wound up doing some housework that I couldn't get done with kids underfoot. Have a great one and enjoy. I'm in the countdown for back to work.... while there is an associated excitement, there is also the "oh, no" of the alarm clock going off at ungodly hours.

  3. Doesn't even have to be a 'safe place'. Just like "what F'ing box/tote/whatever did I put that in?
    and where is it? I used to be so organized :(

  4. I started a grocery list... (I never used to need a list) and I didn't even get up and move, and I lost it. I was so disgusted with myself because it was sitting right in front of me. I'm starting to think it is just a matter of time. hahhahaha. I used to be very organized, too.

  5. I have always made a list of things I am running low on.. So can't blame that on eh um' senior moments. I hate when I am half way back from the store and have one of those DAMMIT I forgot whatever.
