Saturday, August 6, 2016

Open Blog - Weekend


  1. How YOUUU doooinggg, Mini, as Mr. Dave once said. (He sure had a grand time that night, hahaha.) Is your leg feeling any better?

    I love this picture. I learned how to finger spell when I was in elementary school. I can't believe how many times I've had occasion to use it in my life. It was once my idea to use chicken wire and paper mache to make hands in high school art class that spelled out the word LIBRARY for national library week. The seven hands went to some big-city, national event, and of course, we never saw them again. I think I made 2/7. As a grouping, they were amazing!

  2. A LONG time ago, I learned simple sign language from a black man at St. Luke's Hosp. You probably won't believe this, but I used I LOVE YOU In sign, every time I walked past my hottie that became my wife. This was WAY back In 1967 to 1968, not to meet up again until 1971. I actually was thinking about this while sitting here this morning, before looking at the blog. Imagine that.

  3. I know the one finger 'salute' :}
    Nice stories KK and Toad. I know I love you too..

  4. Haha kk.. yes we remember that day! Was so much fun. And he got everyone going!!
    Someone ;) sent him a T-shirt with that on it.

  5. I learned a bit of sign language when I was younger, I tried using it here and they looked at me like I was crazy.. now why would they use different sign language in different countries (just simple things like the letters especially). My parents taught me to sign "old fart" and I still remember that. good stuff you learn from your parents, very helpful.

  6. My mother taught me some ditties in Danish that I can't repeat in mixed company. lol!
