Friday, September 30, 2016

Open Blog - Friday

I could go for some crinkle cuts. I've given up the fast food. 


  1. I was just reading a bit about the "Body Painting" In Downtown Racine, and thinking about all the Hippocrates In the City. WHY does anyone care? The ladies/men were covered In all necessary places from what I understand. The same thing Is done weekly on cable TV. People In Racine really have they're priorities mixed up. Murders happening all over the city, and they worry about body art? This Is MY opinion.

  2. Oh my....I'm not touching that post, Toad. As long as the appropriate body parts were covered, what's the deal?

    kk, Love my southern French fries, fried in truffle oil. Yum.

    One bathroom almost tiled...yes, almost. Dust everywhere. I'm cleaning this weekend...I don't care. I can't handle this!
