Saturday, October 1, 2016

Open Blog - Saturday

Happy Saturday, friends! The months keep rolling on.....


  1. So glad it is the weekend. I'm sitting in my favorite "home" clothes, with a cup of good coffee and chatting with my friends. What could be better? The beginning of this school year has been extremely rough. My nerves were really shot this week; serious thoughts that I might not make it through the year with the new staff, the new format and the new, needy kids. Also missing our jovial buddy, SER. He had a way of looking at things, seeing the crap and making it right with just using a few words.

  2. Hang in there.. you are one of the good teachers.
    Hugs to you

  3. Thanks, Mini. I just hate it when I let it get to me. You are correct, I just need to be patient.
