Monday, November 28, 2016

OK -time to fess up :/

i'm the kid that fights going to sleep Always did always will.. What's your bad?


  1. Oh, and Happy Monday! or whatever day makes you feel good..

  2. Here in Oklahoma we have a Silver Alert for a couple who were on their way to Ohio and have gone missing. Both of them suffer from dementia. My question is this. Why did they have access to a vehicle? When my aunt was diagnosed, the first thing we did was take away her driving privileges. You hear these things every day and each time I have to shake my head.

  3. And, MC, I can't stay awake to watch the shows that start at ten here in FL! You can attest to that from our POI days!

  4. I'm the same way: usually up until midnight, despite the early alarm clock. However, I've been dropping off, involuntarily, at unusually early hours as of late. Hoping the doctoring I've been doing will turn that nonsense around.

  5. Take's hours sometimes. A good hammer to the forehead might work? Way too much thinking going on.

  6. Sure, Toad.. then I will have a bigger headache
