Thursday, May 19, 2016

Happy Birthday, SER

In honor and memory of our dear friend on his birthday. 
Your humor, your generosity, your wisdom and unique style is missed by all of us, each and everyday. 

Feel free to share a good story or memory


  1. I remember once hearing him say, "I'm really jones'in for some wedding cake." It made me laugh. Who specifically craves wedding cake, other than our friend?

    So.... I walked into work this morning, and the break room was FILLED with slices of sheet cake. Coincidence? I think maybe not. Happy Birthday, best buddy.

  2. Happy Birthday SER. Miss you terribly.

  3. Missing our dear, sweet friend. we all miss his shenanigans. We miss his wisdom.

  4. I saw this as a reminder on Facebook, made me tear up, I think people at work think I was crazy, but they know me by now and know I AM crazy...

  5. Why Not, That's ok. My whole day has been like that. SER was actually born 2 days after me. I'm pretty sure we shared the nursery at Alice Horlick Maternity together. I left first, but my sister had to stay awhile because she was so small.
