Sunday, September 11, 2016

Inspiration Sunday


  1. Gorgeous weather out there today. Only in Wisconsin can you go from the swamps of Saigon one day to needing a light sweater the next. So glad that humidity broke!

    I had a house full yesterday and it was lovely. Now I need to venture out and replenish the fridge. If I'm clever enough with the pantry items... it can wait until tomorrow? I'm such a procrastinator!

  2. Aside from being terribly happy, that certainly sounds like me.

  3. Hi Toad! If you do all the other ones, you are bound to at least have one happy moment? T minus 29 minutes to the Pack!

  4. Went to the Kwik Trip in my VIKINGS sweatshirt. ( 1/2 time in the games) How's that for having balls? ;D

  5. Good for you Mn. My son-in-law, had his on I'M SURE.
