Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wonderful Memories :)

Today would have been my mom-in-love's birthday.
Sadly, she passed away at the end of October.
She was truly one of the most amazing people I have ever met, EVER. She was a treasure and I count it an honor to have been able to have her in my life. 
From early on, she always told me that she loved me and no matter if we were meant to be forever or not, she would always love me.
There were days that the future hubby would annoy me, I would just go visit with his mom and hang out. He was quite the car guy back then and half the time, didn't even realize I was there...
We spent so much time together and grew close quite easily. 
Her smile was infectious. Her love was stronger and deeper than I'd ever felt before. I knew that no matter what, she would be in my life and that she loved me. 
Mom volunteered daily, at various nursing homes and care facilities, playing the piano for residents. She would go wherever they would have her, just to play for people to make them smile. This brought her incredible joy. She was loved by so many people everywhere. I was very fortunate to be part of this amazing lady's life and to know she loved me as if I were her own. 
This birthday, she spends with her hubby, who we lost 10 years ago tomorrow. I miss them so much, but have learned much from them. 
Treasure the people in your life, they won't be here forever.
Happy Birthday, Mom!!


  1. this was the last good picture take with her, on Sept. 18th last year, Mrs Froggy's wedding. I'm so glad she was able to be there :)

  2. and that smile, never without it!

  3. Beautiful picture. We never forget those special people who accept us, help us along the way, and have a huge impact on our lives. Such a nice tribute to her.

  4. How great you had such a wonderful relationship. Mine lived with me for years and left a lasting impression as well.
