Sunday, July 17, 2016

First tomato!

Ok, it was just a cherry tomato, but when you have waited a year to taste a real tomato, that YOU grew, it's kinda special. :) Had ONE yellow cherry tomato ripen. Dave & I always split the first one (silly) So had to cut a slice off for Suzie too. Now she races after me whenever I go near the plants. Little glutton. I hope she doesn't get like Kyra did, helping herself! It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!! Sorry, no pictures. It went too fast I know all of you gardeners will understand.


  1. How I love tomatoes right off the vine, lettuce right out of the garden. Miss those days.... However, I did buy some fresh sweet corn at the flea market last week. Oh boy!

  2. The only way to eat cherry tomatoes is to stand next to the vine and pop them in your mouth! I'm jealous, but in a good way. I was late in planting and didn't find any cherry tomato plants this year. But... I did buy some delicious blueberries from the store that I enjoyed this morning with my yogurt. Small compensation, I know.

    My dog wouldn't eat tomatoes. Finicky sort.

  3. I still have a picture of Minnie's first tomato. You can just imagine it!
    Kyra, she loved them. I had to drag her away from the plants so she wouldn't eat them. I used to pick them and bring some to my Mom. One morning I was running late and just grabbed some and she sat staring at the plants until I gave her one! Yes. Springers are stubborn.

  4. I have more!! The sweet 100's are starting to turn red and a few more yellows.
