Thursday, July 21, 2016

Open Blog - Thursday

Stay safe, stay cool and keep hydrated. 
Oppressive dew points in the mid to upper 70's, with combined heat indices to 110 degrees.


  1. Morning all. Here in SC, at the foothills of the BlueRidge Mountains, we will see one hundred degrees real temp on Saturday and Sunday. Funny, but these 90+ days seem cooler than in FL. Less humidity and the fact that our house is very shaded contribute to that. Don't know about the 100 a certain temp, hot is hot.

  2. I noticed that the level it went to a warning was different based on geographical location. Some areas deal with snowfall and cold warnings in a different manner than those of us who are accostumed to it. Preparedness, air conditioning availability, etc. make these temps and humidity deadlier up north. Our lake and humidity also make it oppressive when conditions are like this.

  3. Heat warning downgraded to a heat advisory with a line of storms blowing through. Amazing clouds preceding the rain. I would have loved to take a video of the Mammatus clouds churning. I really need to upgrade my phone.

  4. We are now In the Advisory area now, also. I want the weather forecasting job. Heck, I just go outside, and can tell you It's hot, or REALLY HOT. Over where the Beejay lives all you have to do Is take you're sandals off, and walk on the sidewalk at the beach, or walk on the sand, and you know It's hotter than hell.

  5. They even have heat advisories in FL. We are in SC. Here, again there are heat advisories. Friends invited us to visit them at their campsite this weekend. Uh, I think not. Since they are only ten miles away, we might stop by for a drink. Then back home we come. I carry Sable to the grass or her duty.

  6. Got d*mn hot and thick today! Has been the last couple of days. Had a nice noisy storm come through this morning, and just got home this afternoon and another one. Started the grill after that .. and another one. I don't think I have heard continuous rumbling thunder like this ever before. Had to go on for 10-15 minutes. Just rumble rumble crack rumble repeat. It did cool off though!
    Had a heat index? Feels like? temp of 111*
