Friday, July 22, 2016

Open Blog - Friday

Hello back at choo, coffee!


  1. Morning...up and at em! Have a great day up there in WI.

  2. Supposed to be another warm one. We go from 7 hours of daylight, snow up to our arses, and -30 degrees to 16 hours of daylight and heat indicies of 110. Gotta love it.

    Just informed yesterday that I am being called upon to work all of next week. Unknown tasks, unknown curriculum, unknown number of kids. Also, more future meetings planned before the official start of the year. Nooooo. Where did my recreation time and leisure go?

  3. KK, They ONLY choose the BEST.

  4. I found out yesterday that OKC schools start on August 1. A little too early if you ask me. Not that it matters, they've cut funding so much I don't know what the teachers can teach.

  5. You are too kind, Toad. I think they choose the saps who feel they have to say, "yes." As always, once I'm there, it will be fine. I like the kids. It is the anticipation and worry over performance. Kids can smell fear, so you have to go in with a "can do" attitude.

  6. Okie, the funding is the same here; it all goes to the top, not to the kids. Doesn't change the expectations of what you teach. It is a figure-it-out as you go thing... and if you don't, good luck, you have 30 kids on top of each other.
