Saturday, July 30, 2016

Open Blog - Saturday


  1. Happy weekend everyone.
    Toad, wish I would have talked to you first. But I was out of my mind in pain and trying to find the closest place. (21 is being resurfaced so it can take anywhere from 20 min (normal time) to 45 or more) And Necedah clinic recommended this place in Mauston.
    So anyway.. went back Thursday because foot still all swollen. Xrays (wait an hour for results to come back from Madison) nothing. So I go out with crutches and an ice pack after 2 1/2 hours and no answers. See a podiatrist. Rest, stay off your feet, ice it for 20 minutes every hour, elevate above your heart at least 4 times a day for an hour. Continue with IB.
    Like I have time for all this?? So I came home and walked around normal. Felt good, almost walking normal. Still working on the proper way to use the crutches (why don't they come with cup holders?)
    Anyway.. felt good most of the day.. then did too much and now I'm hurtin again. Not the foot so much, swelling has gone down, but it's the hip to ankle pain. And no one can seem to decipher that either..

  2. 21 being the road to Tomah. Guess I can't edit after posting.

  3. MC, I hope this resolves itself soon. I hated those crutches. I was on them in the dead of winter. Snow+crutches=disaster. Like a deer on ice. Keep us posted.

  4. Thanks for the update. We were worried. Sorry the news isn't better. Promise to take it easy on yourself and take the time to use the ice. There is never a good time to be out of commission.

  5. MC, It's kinda a round a bout way, but you can take highway 80 which Is the Y junction where the giant U.S. flag Is kinda. It takes you to New Lisbon. Get on the Interstate, and Tomah Is only about 17 miles or so. We were just on 21, and It was ok, but that's probably because no work was being done at the time. I sure hope It gets better SOON.

  6. Thanks, Toad. The weekends seems to be better on 21. Nice road now!
    Gonna have to pick your brain for a good vet in the area too! I know.. should ask Toad first. :)
    Update on me. Foot has almost gotten down to normal. Actually walked around for about an hour today ( with a shopping cart ) and it wasn't so bad. But it sure was good to get home. I just think I'm broken. :((

  7. I thought I was broken, too. Baby it for awhile. Stay off of it as much as possible. Keep taking the IB they prescribed. Use ice. Mine resolved itself, despite my stubborn want to stop taking the anti inflammatory too soon. It took a month for all the tendons and inner workings to stop being so angry at me.

  8. General consensus is sciatica. so I'm sitting on a tennis ball right now. LOL One of Suzie's squeaky ones ( only tennis balls in the house squeak) Hope that helps? A friend has it and recommended to try it. About now I will try just about anything.
