Friday, July 29, 2016

Weekday Funny

Friday Fun

Remember the troll dolls and that nasty hair?  :)


  1. That was yesterday. I think I only had about 3 hours of sleep. Thank goodness for air conditioning. It has been a hot, humid stretch. They keep saying that the heat will break. Although it isn't 100 anymore, it still feels sticky and uncomfortable. Pretty sure Florida isn't for me.

  2. No, it isn't...we are in SC and even here we are pretty warm. 100 feel like temps. Yuk.

    I'm going to try and figure out how to get some of my pictures from FB saved on the desktop. Wish me luck. If I do, you guys are in

  3. I have every bit of confidence in you, beejay! A right click works wonders! ;>
