Thursday, May 26, 2016

Open Blog - Thursday

Get out and enjoy it!


  1. Morning.......sun is shining, birds are singing. Have a good one

  2. Woke up to the Weather Alert at 5:30 a.m. bout scared the heebe jeebe's out of me. BIG, BIG, line of severe storm coming from S.W. We only received LOT'S of rain from this one, as It broke down a little because It's cooler here than the S.W. corner of the state. Had to wake my daughter, to alert her to impending storm. She sounded nearly dead. Her Kidney stones are acting up, and she Is suffering terribly. They perhaps should have cut the entire Kidney out a few years back, instead of only half. She can have one of mine. My DR. claims I have the Kidney's of a 12 year old. That Is also why they call them "Practicing Physicians"

  3. Sorry to hear about your daughter, Toad. The storms blew through here with only a quick heavy rain and some lightning. It was over almost as quickly as it started. I don't have a weather alert radio. I'm a news and weather hound. I usually just stay awake if nasty storms are predicted. If I'm going to go, hopefully, it will be quick and painless. I've always wanted to fly....

  4. I really shouldn't say this (being in tornado alley) but I do wish it would storm. This is day 4 of hot MUGGY weather. The guys are cutting our grass now and the sweat is pouring off of them. It's 8:20 in the morning.
    I'm off to Tuesday Morning after work as they have the dishes I want on sale.
    Hope your daughter feels better soon Toad.

  5. I guess they had storms all around us yesterday, but we only got cold overcast weather. Today is again a gray overcast and cold day. Very depressing.

    Sorry to hear about your daughter Toad, sounds awful.
