Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Open Blog - Wednesday

Remember to dress for success. Lol!


  1. Today, my dress for success includes cozy clothes. After a couple of extremely busy weeks at work I'm at home licking my wounds with a heating pad on my back and ibuprofen in my body. Two more days at work and I actually get a weekend free (something I haven't had in a long while) less than a month before my vacation begins, 4 weeks of taking it easy, looking forward to back to my coffee and book, enjoy your Wednesday.

  2. Morning all.

    Crazy dreams last night. Really crazy. People from my past. Not bad people, but they were acting nutty. Weird.

  3. Last night we had a mild thunderstorm go through and not 10 minutes later the weather radio started blaring, my phone started beeping and all for nothing. The storms were already east. Better to be aware.

  4. I was on a kick with crazy dreams. Think it had to do with that medication the doc gave me for my shoulder. I stopped taking it, and nights have been more peaceful.

    I feel I must confess.... I now own 2 orchids. The addiction didn't take long.

  5. hubby is having crazy dreams he can't even remember. I just know 2 nights ago, he was kicking for all his might and a little later swatting around in the air, no remembrance of me settling him down. he's home due to car issues. He has a new car that's to be ready tonite for him, the engine is out of his dead vehichle, which will be mine when it's resuscitated :) He stayed home this week to deal with it (he overheated in the Dells on his way back to MN, but was able to slowly make it back home)

    This week has been tough, 5 years ago, the dates fell on the same days as this year. 5 years ago, friends of ours' son went missing after swimming in a swollen river he knew well. Daily, friends and family are remembering this week, day by day, touching but still tough. He was an amazing person.

  6. Sorry, Liz. Those that leave us are never really gone. We think of them often, some of them every day.

  7. Hi Toad! Nice to see you, sir! Is this kitty wearing a fur sweater?
