Saturday, May 28, 2016

Open Blog - Weekend

Yes, but why do these days go faster than the weekdays?


  1. I'd go for better days.. no matter what they are called.

  2. Morning......packing up the house and heading back to FL tomorrow. Let's hope no one cancels any of these appointments on me!

  3. From the pictures you've posted, it would be hard to leave that lovely place!

  4. It's a beautiful day here today. High 83, low humidity. Florida will be in the 90's with high humidity. Thank goodness for the pool. We love both places.

  5. Finally got some rain last night, but no storms. I was outside in the front and heard thunder and then it quit. Meanwhile, the weather radio and my phone kept going off with weather bulletins. Nine to be exact. It was getting on my nerves for a while, especially since the sun was shinning. Oh well, better to be safe than sorry.

  6. toasty today, hubby got inspired and replaced our inner back door, now for the air to catch up, only 86 in the house and humid, and very dusty, but it sure is pretty :)

  7. Very unfortunate, but they all seem the same to me.

  8. Glad morsdag. It's mothers day here in Sweden, spent the day wandering around different gardening shops planning our summer project. It's been a wonderful day in spite of terrible weather. I feel rested and ready for another week.
