Saturday, May 28, 2016

Zipline International

A Silicon Valley startup is using drones to deliver medicine and blood to patients in Rwanda, and it plans to expand to other countries by the end of the year. The company, Zipline International, announced this week that it will begin flying its drones in Rwanda in July, under a partnership with the government. the un-piloted autonomous vehicles will ferry supplies to hospitals and health centers across the tiny East African nation, forming what Zipline describes as the world's first drone delivery system to operate at a national scale. see more:

The news said that first responders could send a text request, and within minutes, medical supplies and blood could be delivered onsite by GPS, whether there were roads nearby, or not. Technology being used for very good things. 


  1. Good idea. Drones could be used for many good things, In my opinion.

  2. I thought this was pretty cool. It's great to see technology being used for good things instead of just greed.
