Saturday, May 14, 2016

Open Blog - Weekend

Absolutely nothing usually wins out...


  1. Well my weekend is not so relaxing, we're starting wedding gown season at work and we are pretty much fully booked on the weekends from now until September. So lots of weekends at work and the soccer matches to go to when I can.. at some point we'll get out in the yard to try to gain control over that.

    Happy weekend to you all.

    1. Don't know why gown showed up there after wedding, you can ignore that. I dislike writing on my phone.

  2. Going to be a relaxing day here in the hills. Off to Seneca, our nearest city with shopping. Then I get to pound rocks...aka wash clothes. How exciting is that?

    May days Festival downtown.....we I'll see about that.

    1. I looked it up. Population 8,000. Looks quaint, and John Edwards was born there. They do have a Walmart Supercenter. Of course. lol

  3. I can speak from experience, that attending weekend and after-school events is tiring. I did it for many years with my own. In retrospect, you will NEVER regret those moments spent. The yard, the shopping, the cleaning.... will all wait for you.

    Autocorrect is no one's friend, Why Not? also see that your tablet seems to want to post double comments. Not to worry, I can clean that up for you. I am so happy you come to visit and stay in touch!

  4. Mr. Dan took my hairdresser and her kids for a ride on his ATV...they loved it. I, of course, was pounding rocks.

    Yep, a Walmart and Dienner's ... I'm going to get fat there! Mennonite restaurant. Oh boy.

  5. Yeah I don't know why it does that..

  6. Living in a town of 916 population is interesting I can tell you that! AT least 20 minutes to do any shopping. Altho there is a Kwik Trip on the corner. And they sell beer.

  7. kk- Sorry I haven't said it sooner thank you for the invite. I have been really busy getting my daughter back home. We finally got her home with the last of her things on friday and trying to get everything put away.

    I am enjoying reading everything and I am happy we have this site to talk on.

  8. I like the size and diversity of Racine. I like that you can go out and not have to be known everywhere. I'm not happy about the violence and poverty we are experiencing as of late. We are becoming more and more like our bigger neighbors to the north and the south.
