Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Open Blog - Tuesday

Do we want to bother or are we done?


  1. Looks like Jan took down the JTI last night about 8pm.

  2. I see where a former site has been shut down.

  3. I didn't get to see your comment before I posted. Oh well. What can you do.

  4. He was in too deep. Very sad that it ended the way it did. We sure had something grand in its day. I had to do what I had to do. It was getting scary to me there for awhile. I was looking out my window for cars that stopped on my street.

    I checked his personal site and he is still posting. Funny, that I still care about his well being. I felt like we were family. I don't think you can help someone who doesn't want it.

  5. I think we would like somewhere to connect.. I do most of my connecting on Facebook, but always enjoyed checking on from time to time at the JTI. It's hard to say how this will develop over time.. I have a feeling that we will never get back to where we were before,but it's a great opportunity to connect to those that we consider and have considered for many years. You have been a part of my life for many years, when Maia was born (the first official second generation irregular) I was most excited to tell you all (except for immediate family of course), you were a great support for me when I was home with my oldest and I felt the need to reach out to those who knew and cared for racine, my home town.

  6. I would never want it to go viral like the old site did. I much prefer cozy and comfortable.

  7. Is there an admission charge to get in here? :P
