Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Suzie wondering where everyone has gone??


  1. Phew!! Was gonna add another pic, but I think I will leave well enough alone!!

  2. Hi Suzie... Not to worry, we are here. All is well.

    Nice picture. Glad you finally got it. Whew! Stupid, buggy Blogger. Did you try the trick with the HTML window? Not sure why, but that works for me every time with videos. I only upload pictures from my computer. I don't use Photobucket, Dropbox or other cloud storage.

  3. I take most of my pictures on my iPhone, then load directly to PB. I hope I remember how I did this!
    Image, not link.

  4. Teach me about photobucket? I tried to upload a picture and I only have old stuff.

  5. Oh, by the way, I love the Suzy pictures!

  6. Beejay, what do you want to know? It's a photo storing site.
