Saturday, June 18, 2016

Chapter 3, More of the Story

Bumped to the top due to an email request showing interest in continuing the story.

Anna woke with a gasp. Her hair was pasted to her cheek with drool. She bolted from the bed to check what the sound was outside her window. She saw a giftwrapped package, sitting on her porch. Who in the world had known that someone was here?  The cabin was at the end of a long and winding road. Only someone who knew his or her way could navigate the dark path. I think it was an angel, SER?

She warily approached the package and peeked. Something was making noise inside. Did she hear a song, or was it a soft breeze soughing through the rustling pines? The box moved! The top popped open! It was Mr. Potato Head, of course! How could she have forgotten?  But wait, he was missing something vital! Two ears, two eyes, lips…. Oh no!  The nose!! Is this a cryptic message?

The nose always knows... She picked up the package with the nose-less spud. Opening up the back, she found a variety of parts, including several noses. An enclosed message read, “Schnozberry, Rhinoplasty Specialist.” Oh, my! That had been her former plastic surgeon/lover. How did he find the nerve to contact her, considering what had transpired between them? Just a few indiscreet moments… and now, he wants to reconnect?

I'll show him, she thought! Choosing the ugliest nose of all, she stuffed an envelope, inserting nose and appropriate excremental fluids. (Yes, I will not describe them, other than they roll well.) Then stopped and thought... her emotions were running high. He knew her weaknesses, too, and it was not her nose. Yet, it comes In a bottle or box... Oh good grief, not that type of weakness. His smile, his odd humor, melted her in ways she had never experienced before.

But the betrayal, her personal information, it all made her hesitant to go another day without letting him know precisely how devastated, and just how hurt she felt. But then she realized that life goes on. She took the envelope and removed the "negativity." She inserted the ticket-stub.........

Put your spin on the story. The rules remain the same: 7 words, no more, no less. You must wait for someone else to write before you write again. Have fun, be creative. 

Chapter 1: The story begins
Chapter 2: The story continues


  1. He would know that she had decided

  2. to still attend the concert next Tuesday.

  3. After all, she thought, she had waited

  4. and eagerly anticipated seeing The Flying Monkeys

  5. Yes, the Flying Monkeys brought to mind

  6. that you should not google everything. But..

  7. nevertheless, she had googled, and found that
