Monday, June 13, 2016

Interesting Link of the Day

Pick a movie or a television series you want to watch, and chances are, they have it. 
Update: One of our contributors reports a negative experience with using this url. 
(see comment section)

A couple of days ago, I watched The Help online. It was perfect, no buffering, and beautiful. I read the book and had always wanted to see the movie.  I'm planning to watch Joy, next. There are a couple more that interest me, too. Make a bowl of popcorn, sit in your undies (if it suits you) and enjoy!

I don't know how they do it, but it is free... and so far, I've noticed no ill effects to my computer. They have every episode of  Call the Midwife, a PBS series I've been watching. This series is spectacular, and I highly recommend it! You can start at the beginning and even binge if you choose.

p.s. I added the label "Link of the Day" to our sidebar. If you know of something on the internet of which others might be interested, please add the label, "Link of the Day," and blog title, "Interesting Link of the Day." It's always better when we share.  :)


  1. I just watched the first season, episode 1 of Orange is the New Black to see what the hype is all about. Not a show for the faint of heart. Wow.

  2. I saved the link. THANK YOU.

  3. I clicked on the link and then on new, I got a malware warning. Got out of there fast.

  4. Yikes, Mini! Sorry. No problems on my computer and I've watched a couple of things.

  5. I just looked at the site on my Kindle, and had an entirely different experience. Nasty ads on their sideboard. Also kept getting a popup asking for permission, which of course I denied. My computer experience was entirely pleasant. Sorry you had trouble. Hopefully your computer is okay. Taking away my recommendation.

  6. Used it on my laptop again with zero problems and watched two more movies. That being said.... Always trust your first instincts. Don't use the site if it feels scary.
