Sunday, June 12, 2016

The News, Over and Over

A terrible mass shooting took place near Orlando, early this morning at bar closing time. A gunman, armed with assault weapons, and possible explosive devices strapped to his body entered a bar and killed 50 people. The death numbers may rise as more are seriously wounded and being attended to. It is everywhere in the news. It will be everywhere in the news, on every station... for a long time. The gunman is dead. They are saying this is probably terrorism, and possibly hate related.

I just turned off the television. While it is important to mourn the victims, the speculation, the constant televising and repeating of the few known facts is not healthy. Learn what you need to learn, mourn for those innocent people and take care of yourself. Hug those around you and tell them you love them. A constant diet of sitting and watching the media scramble for something new to tell is not mentally, or physically good for anyone. Turn it off, and do something productive. I love you guys!


  1. I totally agree. We were very worried about a friend of ours in that area who might have been at Pulse. We have been notified that he is safe.

    Evil exists.

  2. Tried to post on this on my phone earlier, but it didn't go..
    I had to stop watching tv, going on FB.. it is just too overwhelming.
    Beejay, I'm glad your friend is ok.
    This just keeps getting worse. I don't understand the hatred.

  3. I'm glad your friend is okay, Beejay. It is really frightening that we have to even think about this when planning places to go. I already don't like crowds. I need to turn on the tube to get the latests. I stayed away from it last night. I watched the Tony Awards instead. They were very respectful of the tragedy, and didn't go overboard about it. The Hamilton presentations were spectacular. That would be something to see. I bet it would cost a fortune for a couple of tickets.

  4. POLITICIANS will never let It end.
